With closed eyes Holy Spirit lead me to Isaiah 10 AGAIN this morning .. did some research regarding the "Assyrian" .. learned he is the beast .. brain started to shut down so I took a nap! (LOL) Awoke & grabbed my phone to look at the information again ... aaaaaaaaannnnd the time said 9:11 😦

The GOOD news is .. the king of Assyria (who in this day is BHO .. President 44, who has been groomed to be the head of the NWO) is about to fall BIGLY as he is judged severely by the Lord according to His word! 💥💥💥

JOIN ME IN DECLARING ISAIAH 10 TODAY! By declaring Isaiah 10 you are calling forth God's promised RED SEA moment of our time. GOD IS OUR DELIVERER! REDEMPTION IS NEAR! HALLELUJAH!!!

The Lord will allow BHO (the king of Assyria) and the NWO gang to be within sight of achieving their goal of world domination .. then "the Lord of hosts will lop off the beautiful boughs with terrorizing force .. the high in stature will be hewn down!" 💥💥💥

And He will cut down the thickets of the forest with an ax, and the Lebanon (the Assyrian) with its majestic trees shall fall by the Mighty One and mightily. Isaiah 10:34

BUH-BYE BHO AND THE NWO!!!!!!!!! You will fall MIGHTILY!!!!!!!!!


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